Brewing Razma Keptinis Beer: A Tribute to Tradition at Our Brewery

In the world of craft beer, tradition and innovation often come together to create unique brews. At Our Brewery, we recently embarked on an extraordinary brewing journey to pay tribute to the rich tradition of farmhouse ales with our latest creation: Razma, a Keptinis-style beer. Inspired by the brewing practices of Lithuania, we delved into the intricate process of crafting this beer, guided by the expertise and passion of our team member, Ricardas Razma. Join us as we share the story behind Razma and the labour of love that went into its creation.

The Inspiration Behind Razma

The inception of Razma is rooted in a heartfelt story shared by our own Ricardas Razma, whose Lithuanian heritage brings a rich tapestry of brewing history to our brewery's doorsteps. Lithuania, a land with a deep-seated tradition of crafting Keptinis beers, has nurtured generations of farmhouse brewers. Ricardas's narratives of this age-old brewing technique ignited our curiosity and set the stage for what would become a significant endeavour at Our Brewery. With Ricardas’s influence, we embarked on a quest to not only replicate but also celebrate this distinctive brewing method, weaving it seamlessly into the fabric of our craft offerings. This venture, named in honour of Ricardas, connects the old with the new, where the ancestral brewing traditions of Lithuania meet the innovative spirit of our team. Ricardas’s transition from a warehouse operative to a pivotal engineering lead exemplifies the boundless potential and creativity that lie within our brewery. His story, steeped in tradition and dedication, is a testament to the passion that fuels our pursuit of brewing excellence. Razma is a tribute, encapsulating the essence of Lithuanian farmhouse ales while symbolizing our appreciation for the diverse backgrounds and stories that enrich our brewing community.

The Keptinis Method: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

In crafting Razma, we embraced the Keptinis method, a homage to the venerable traditions of Lithuanian farmhouse ales yet infused with a spirit of ingenuity that characterizes our brewery's ethos. Historically preserved by generations of Lithuanian brewers, this method involves an intricate process where the mash is meticulously baked in stainless steel trays. Under the watchful eye and skilful hands of Ricardas Razma, we reimagined this age-old technique for a modern palate. Utilizing a wood-fired kiln, we carefully baked the mash, ensuring the Maillard and caramelization reactions were coaxed out to perfection, lending the beer its distinctive flavours and aromas that cannot be achieved through conventional brewing methods alone.

The process did not stop at baking; the precision-engineered stainless steel trays—designed and built by Ricardas—played a pivotal role in transitioning the mash back to the lauter tun for sparging. This step, essential in the brewing process, further exemplifies the harmonious blend of tradition and innovation at the heart of Razma's creation. Through this unique methodology, we captured the essence and soul of Keptinis brewing while elevating it with our own creative and technical prowess.

This endeavour into the realm of Keptinis brewing showcases our commitment to pushing the boundaries of craft beer, experimenting with techniques that are both time-honoured and avant-garde. The result is a beer that pays respect to its Lithuanian roots and stands as a testament to the ingenuity and passion fueling our craft. Through Razma, we invite connoisseurs and casual enthusiasts alike to explore the rich tapestry of flavours and history that this brewing method embodies, bridging centuries-old practices with the artistry of modern craft brewing.

Challenges and Triumphs of Brew Day

Embarking on the Razma brew day was akin to venturing into uncharted territory, fraught with challenges that test the mettle of even the most seasoned brewers. The meticulous orchestration of mashing, the precision in baking the mash in our specially designed stainless steel trays, and the subsequent careful sparging represented a symphony of complexity. Yet, within this complexity, our team found its rhythm, each step demanding a blend of patience, expertise, and unwavering dedication to craft.

The day stretched long, as hours melded into one another, marked by the steady hum of activity and the warm glow of the wood-fired kiln. The air was thick with anticipation, and each phase of the process was a critical juncture in the birth of Razma. Despite the intricate dance of traditional and innovative brewing techniques, the spirit of collaboration and a shared commitment to excellence buoyed us, transforming potential obstacles into stepping stones towards our goal.

As the final sparge concluded and the mash's transformation within the kiln reached its zenith, the team's sense of accomplishment was palpable. It was in these moments of triumph that Razma's essence truly began to take shape. Once formidable, the challenges of the day now stood as testaments to our resolve, each overcome hurdle enriching the final brew with character and depth.

This brew day was not merely a routine production but a testament to the power of embracing the unknown, blending tradition with innovation, and a team united in its pursuit of brewing something genuinely extraordinary.

Elevating Razma: Ageing in Jamaican Rum Barrels

In our journey to perfect Razma, we sought to imbue this Keptinis-style beer with an extra layer of sophistication and depth. The choice to age Razma in Jamaican rum barrels was one inspired by a desire to fuse the rustic charm of farmhouse ales with the exotic and intricate flavours of the Caribbean. This unique ageing process allowed the beer to slowly absorb the rich, complex essences of oak, vanilla, and the subtle sweetness of rum, infusing Razama with unparalleled character and smoothness. Over the course of 18 months, these barrels became the crucibles in which Razma's flavour profile was meticulously refined and elevated. Each day of ageing added a new dimension to the beer's already remarkable taste, slowly evolving Razma into a brew that transcends the ordinary. This deliberate and patient endeavour showcases our dedication to pushing the boundaries of craft beer, ensuring that every sip of Razma offers a harmonious blend of tradition and bold innovation. Through this ageing process, Razma emerges as a beer and a testament to the artistry of brewing, inviting aficionados to savour a taste that bridges continents and centuries.

The Art of Blending and Packaging

The final stage in the creation of Razma was both an art and a science, as we undertook the delicate task of blending the individual barrels. Each barrel, having aged for 18 months, brought its own distinctive flavour profile to the table, from nuanced oak undertones to the rich, sweet hints of Jamaican rum. With their refined palates, our brewers engaged in the intricate process of tasting and blending, ensuring that the fusion of these varied barrels culminated in a harmonious balance. This step was critical, as it encapsulated our vision of offering a beer that is not just tasted but experienced, with each element carefully considered to contribute to the final sensory profile.

Subsequently, the careful packaging of Razma into 375ml champagne bottles was a testament to our commitment to quality and sophistication. Each bottle was corked and capped meticulously, a process that not only sealed in the unique blend of flavours but also marked the culmination of our journey from concept to creation. This packaging choice was deliberate, aiming to elevate the beer-tasting experience and reflect the premium nature of Razma. It invites connoisseurs and enthusiasts alike, beckoning them to discover the depths of flavour and craftsmanship enclosed within. Through blending and packaging, we have strived to ensure that each bottle of Razma is not merely consumed but cherished, offering a bridge to the rich heritage of Keptinis brewing and the innovation that defines our approach at Our Brewery.

Razma: A Sensory Journey for Beer Enthusiasts

Embarking upon the Razma experience is akin to unfolding a map of flavours, each sip guiding enthusiasts through the vibrant landscapes of craftsmanship and heritage. This journey is a deep dive into the harmonious fusion of ancient practices and contemporary innovation that defines Razma. As the essence of Keptinis brewing melds with the nuanced layers introduced by Jamaican rum barrel ageing, a tapestry of tastes emerges, offering a unique exploration of tradition enriched with modern twists.

Razma invites connoisseurs to savour the complexity of its creation, from the meticulously baked mash to the patient ageing process that imbues each bottle with character and depth. The symphony of flavours encountered—ranging from the subtle sweetness of caramelization to the rich, oak-infused whispers of rum—creates a narrative in each glass, a story told through the medium of exceptional beer.

This creation is not merely to be consumed but to be experienced, engaging all senses to celebrate what is possible when the past and present converge in a glass. Razma stands as a beacon for those who appreciate the intricate dance of flavours and the stories they tell, inviting enthusiasts on a journey that transcends the ordinary and captivates the palate. It is, ultimately, a tribute to the art of brewing, an invitation to indulge in a sensory adventure that lingers long after the last drop.


Razma - Keptinis Beer